Wiki Non healingFracture coding

Abu Dhabi, UAE
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A Patient has come to our facility from another facility for the treatment of
fracture. Patient had a cast and our removed it.Doctor diagnosed the condition as Colle's fracture. I am confused how to code this..confused :confused: I should code current fracture or malunion code??? As per guidelines we have to use aftercare code:eek: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........plzzzzz
A Patient has come to our facility from another facility for the treatment of
fracture. Patient had a cast and our removed it.Doctor diagnosed the condition as Colle's fracture. I am confused how to code this..confused :confused: I should code current fracture or malunion code??? As per guidelines we have to use aftercare code:eek: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........plzzzzz

If it was simple aftercare then use the V code code for healing fracture, if the provider stated that was non healing then use the code for non healing fracture, if it was a non union then use the code for non union fracture. The fracture was successfully treated prior to your physician. Per coding clinic.. After initial treatment for the fracture you cannot use the acute fracture code for the aftercare.
A Patient has come to our facility from another facility for the treatment of
fracture. Patient had a cast and our removed it.Doctor diagnosed the condition as Colle's fracture. I am confused how to code this..confused :confused: I should code current fracture or malunion code??? As per guidelines we have to use aftercare code:eek: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........plzzzzz

If the fracture has been treated again with closed/open reduction, it means still the fracture is present, in the previous facility just cast applied to immobilize the Fx site, so it has to be coded as acute Fx.

If the Fx has not been treated just reapplied the cast means then it has to be coded as aftercare.

if the physician document document it as malunion / non union then it has to coded as late effect of fracture.
Malunion.and non union are not late effects of the fracture, and there are codes for these. Also in ICD-10there are specific 7th characters for the status of non healing and malunion. A late effect of a fracture would be muscle atrophy, or a shorter limb.