Wiki Non face-to-face encounter 99358?


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Could someone tell me the correct CPT code to use when physician spends about 40 minutes with the father of of a 16 year-old patient? Physician last examined the patient about 26 days ago but father came in to discuss ongoing problems.
Well, on the surface, it appears you can code 99358 in this case. Per 2013 CPT, "This prolonged service may be reported on a different date than the primary service to which it is related."

However, according to the E&M Service Guidelines section of CPT, in the office setting face-to-face "is defined as only that time spent face-to-face with the patient and/or family." This, unfortunately, implies that you would need to use the Prolonged Service With Direct Patient Contact codes (99354-99355). However, those codes can only be reported on the same date as the original E/M.

It looks like this scenario cannot be coded. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

That's a tough case! :(

Well, on the surface, it appears you can code 99358 in this case. Per 2013 CPT, "This prolonged service may be reported on a different date than the primary service to which it is related."

However, according to the E&M Service Guidelines section of CPT, in the office setting face-to-face "is defined as only that time spent face-to-face with the patient and/or family." This, unfortunately, implies that you would need to use the Prolonged Service With Direct Patient Contact codes (99354-99355). However, those codes can only be reported on the same date as the original E/M.

It looks like this scenario cannot be coded. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

That's a tough case! :(

Does counseling & coordination of care come into play?

99215 states "40 min spent face-to-face w/ patient "and/or" family. As long as the components of patient hx and MDM are met, would this code be appropriate?
It would not be appropriate to code 99215 for the physician's speaking with a family member. This does not constitute another patient visit. The actual office visit was on a different DOS.
Regarding counseling and coordination of care - I can see the precedent in using counseling and coordination of care to allow the 99358. It's disappointing that this specific issue was not addressed in CPT Assistant.