Wiki Non covered service


Land O Lakes, FL
Best answers
IV nutrient therapy was covered by UHC and then they stop covering the service completely regardless of diagnosis and cpt code (if is covered by all other insurance). We were not aware of the change until we got denials for alot of our UHC patients. We had to write off the service since the patient did not sign a non cover service form and we were not able to bill the patient. has anyone experience this before and what action did you take to prevent this from happening again. Do you have patients sign a non covered service form for all procedures you do in the office even if they come in weekly for services? I was thinking of creating a non covered service form and but an expiration date of 6 to 12 months and for patients that we see weekly for procedures we have them sign it every 6 to 12 months. Would this be acceptable?

Just curious and I apologize for not being able to give you an explicit answer to your question, but can you access a copy of the patients policy to see if it was truly a covered service at the time of their visit?
So UHC is saying it's non-covered AND the patient can't be billed due to a contractual obligation? Wow. Sounds like Medicare. I'd definitely get in touch with your UHC provider rep to determine if a waiver can even be used on future services.

The only reason why I asked you to view the patient's policy in effect at the time of their visit was because if it was during that time that the service WAS covered and UHC made a change AFTER that, you may have additional options to pursue