Wiki No RVUs for add-on PCI codes?


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Does anyone know why there are no RVUs assigned to the add-on PCI codes. For example, 92921 has no RVUs attached to it? How are you billing what price? I would love to hear from anyone that knows anything about this!!!
I'm assuming it is because CMS has chosen not to recognize these codes and therefore they are not billable. Other carriers may follow suit. I'm still harping on my boss to get me the new codes entered. I have no idea how others are coming up with prices. Maybe taking a percentage of the primary code and going from there?
My supervisor and director has stated that these codes are actually being billed for data purposes because we asked this also. Although I have not read anything to that effect but then I haven't read a lot about these codes on the reimbursement side.

Anyone else know of a different reason let me know, I'm just going off hearsay from my bosses.
