Wiki No p.e. documented

If history is documented, and medical decision made and documented..then yes, a low level EM can be assigned.

Why would it be a low level? I feel the level would be dependent upon the documentation of the HPI and MDM and the insurance carrier. The insurance carrier because you would need to know if they'd accept the claim w/o a P/E. Established pt's require 2 of 3 components. Which would mean you could technically have a level 5 with no P/E. And not to mention time based codes.
As I always state when a question like this comes when it is asked if "no exam" was done - are you sure that there was NOTHING that could at least constitute a constitutional element of an exam? Did the physician document the general appearance of the patient without specifically calling it an "exam"? Were vitals taken and reviewed by the physician? If you have anything like this documented, you could use this as the constitutional element and then you have one for a PF exam. And since you are using Hx and MDM to determine the level anyway with an established patient, it won't downgrade the code level, but does answer the problem of "no exam."