Wiki no more abstracting


Tucson, AZ
Best answers
Hi everyone!
Our organization just sent out a memo indicating that the RAF process will begin immediately. We are not hiring, and as RAFing is time consuming, the coders have been instructed to abstain from abstracting daily encounters; simply add the appropriate modifiers and NDC information. My providers are providers, not coders. Some undercode, some overcode. Very few of them are spot on. MANY do not document an appropriate HPI or exam. Or either!
I am uncomfortable with this policy of pushing a potentially incomplete claim out the door that has my name attached to it. My certificates look beautiful on the wall behind me, but I doubt that an auditor will feel that I earned them.
Not to mention that those certificates indicate that I should be doing much more.....
Is this the way of the world for any of you?
I understand your concern, however, as you stated your providers are providers and they are ultimately responsible for billing the correct LOS. I would encourage you to continue to educate your providers on what needs to be documented, but again they are ultimately responsible.

I would also hope that your company does do periodic audits on each of your providers, so they get the feedback that is needed. With ICD-10 approaching our jobs as coders really need to change focus from correcting claims to educating providers.