Wiki NICU Consultation Question

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We have a new physician who is a Pediatric Hematology/Oncologist who is asked to see patients in the NICU from time to time. When she performs a consult do we just bill the normal inpatient consult codes 99251-99255 or are there special Neonate codes that she should bill? Also, if she provides critical care should we bill the 99291 or the 99468? I am thinking that we would just bill the 99291 because she isn't the baby's main physician just called in as a specialist but I just want some clarification.


Carrie Calkins
Consults in NICU

If you carrier accepts the consult codes, then you would use the regular inpatient consult codes. If your carrier does NOT accept the consult codes you will code either an initial hospital visit or a subsequent hospital visit.

If you provide critical care (30 minutes minimum face-to-face time), you would use 99291.

This is clearly outlined in the guidelines.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC