Wiki Newly pregnant w/ issues


Hartland, VT
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I have patients who have confirmed their pregnancy else where, but are coming in well before we would do the first prenatal visit. Most are because they take meds or have conditions that they are concerned about with their pregnancy. How would anyone else code this? My doc keeps saying consult, but it is not requested from another doc. I think a E/M is warranted, but should I code V23.XX with the condition? Any help is appreciated.
It is appropriate to bill an E/M for pregnant patients seeking care before the first prenatal visit. This would not be considered part of the global package. It would not be a consult because as you say another MD has not requested one. You would not use the V23.7 because at this point insufficient prenatal care has not been established. If the conditions the patient is taking medications for or coming in with are complicating the pregnancy then code it as such.