Wiki newborn

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Newborn, healthy - Z38.00. He stays in the hospital overnight. Doc sees him the next day to discharge.... can't use Z38.00 again because it specifically states you cannot use it more than once. But the baby is fine & healthy. What do you use?!?!?
Where does it state you can only use that code once? I don't see that. We attach the applicable code to the hospital charges for a newborn seen in the hospital even on multiple days. If they were discharged and then admitted again, we would not use it, but for that initial stay for the birth we do use that code on the newborn care and discharge CPT. Does that make sense? Hopefully it is helpful. :)
At the Z38 category it states it us to be used for the initial birth record only. But I think that means the entire birth stay. But there is no clarification.