Wiki Newborn Inpatient Diagnosis Question

Saratoga Springs, UT
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I'm new to billing hospital charges for our pediatric office. I have a questions about Z38.00. When my doctors see a healthy newborn in the hospital and I bill 99460, guidelines tell me to Z38.00 is assigned only once. If my doctor sees the same healthy newborn the following day for a follow-up visit do I still assign code Z38.00 for that visit? If not, what code would I use? If you respond, please let me know where you're finding the answer. Thanks!
Check the Second Quarter ICD-10 2015 Coding Clinic, Page 15 for this answer: For physician coding and reporting, category Z38 codes are not limited to only the day the baby was born. A physician may report a code from category Z38 for each visit during the birth admission.