Wiki Newborn - hospital follow-up visit


Granada Hills, CA
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Can someone tell me how you would code the following:
Baby is brought to our clinic 3 days after birth for "newborn follow-up". There is no dx or problem with the newborn.
I am thinking it should be a 99381, but what is the minimal documentation necessary for this type of visit?
if your dr saw the newborn in the hospital then you can not bill 99381 you would need to bill 99391 and this is for a well child check up dx v20.2 or v20.32 depending on pts' age less than 28 days use v20.32 and after 28 days v20.2 the documentation required is that of a well visit
We don't typically see a newborn in the office until 10 days unless there was an issue... feeding problems etc. The problem with billing for a well visit prior to the 10 day mark is that some insurance companies only cover a specific number of well visits the first year. If you aren't careful you will exceed the number of visits allowed and this will cost the parents dearly.

We see our kids the first year at 10 days, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months. The second year at 18 months and 24 months. If the patient comes in before or on their birthday for the 12 month visit and they were billed for a 3 day and 10 day well visit then it can really mess up their preventative schedule with insurance.

If the doctor is concerned about the baby's weight he will bring them in earlier for a weight check with the nurse which we do as a courtesy. If the baby's weight gain is not appropriate or if the parents or nurse have any concerns then we have the doctor step in and then bill for the visit with the appropriate e/m & diagnosis code.