Wiki Newborn checks


Boise Idaho
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I have a quesion, our clinics bill for newborn checks @48 hours and again @two weeks. We have been billing as E/M with medical necessity. Is this correct or should we be billing 99461 or 99391?
I have a quesion, our clinics bill for newborn checks @48 hours and again @two weeks. We have been billing as E/M with medical necessity. Is this correct or should we be billing 99461 or 99391?

You would not use 99461 as that is for inpatient newborn care. If there are no problems documented with the newborn and it is really just a routine visit, then I would use the 99381 or 99391 with dx code V20.31 for the 48 hr visit and V20.32 for the two week visit. Of course if the newborn is presenting or being followed for another problem you could code that instead.