Wiki Newbie ?


Cheyenne, Wyoming
Best answers
So I am working my workq and this morning I come across with a neurologist charging a 99222 on the dos 9/26/13 but the patient was admitted 9/23/13 .. and as I look further into the charge history I see that there was a consult done by Pulmonary and that dr submitted a 99222 as well.. They are consults.. but medicare won't pay consults. so .. my brain is not working yet.. a physcian can't submit a 99222 initial inpatient visit when they are not the admitting phys correct, and they can't submit a consult code .. so this needs to be a changed to a subs hospital visit correct ?
Inpatient Consult

Medicare won't pay the consults 99251-99255, they will pay the 99221-99223 codes. The requesting physician applies an AI modifier to indicate that he is the submitting the initial visit. Your physician should bill the 99221-99223 codes.

The initial visit was days before though.. this was a inpatient consult those initial charges by the initial admitting phys have already been submitted and sent out ?