Wiki Newbee!

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Hi everyone! I am fresh into the CPC course (only chapter 4) and I work in a oncology office as a receptionist. So I do not have much experience, But I really wanted to better myself with some different knowledge and a step towards a better Career! I am reaching out for some study help and any tips on the best way to obtain everything! I need to be doing 2 chapters a week to finish by the time needed and after that I am going to Germany which I have no clue if coders are even needed there.
When coming back to America at least I will have something under my belt. I am striving to do really well but need some tips and tricks on how to do better and understand, so hoping there is anyone out here that can give me some helpful hints and tips I would be so thankful!
What I am having a really hard time with, is when I get into the paragraphs on the office notes, I really don't know what words should pop out. and the sequences are also confusing :( again this is all in chapter four and I am having to retake the test because I did not do well, so I am reaching out for help. Again thank you so much to anyone that can help :p