Wiki new vs established patients


Saginaw, Michigan
Best answers
If a patient is new but the documentation doesn't support billing a new patient code what are the guidelines for billing this as an established patient? Is this allowed or is this non-billable? If you have something that I can reference to show a physician it would be greatly appreciated.
Your best bet would be to contact your insurance provider. each has their own set of rules for this occasion.
sorry there is no hard and fast rule for this.
It doesn't even qualify as a level 1 new patient? Problem focused history, exam, and straight-forward MDM? Or just 10 minutes mostly spent counseling?
It doesn't even qualify as a level 1 new patient? Problem focused history, exam, and straight-forward MDM? Or just 10 minutes mostly spent counseling?

I agree with Mike - you can get all three elements from minimal documentation. If the history only has one statement of the current problem - get one HPI element and that is enough for a problem focused history.

Only vitals were taken? Well, if the doctor documents he reviewed them, that is enough for a PF exam, under the constitutional element.

MDM - again, even minimal documentation will work. You have a diagnosis/problem somewhere - and what did the doctor do, even if he just sent the patient home? He still made a decision (sounds like a song - you've still made a decision if you haven't decided!)
and I would be surprised if you couldn't justify SF MDM.

And there you go - all three elements at a minimum level - 99201.
If a patient is new but the documentation doesn't support billing a new patient code what are the guidelines for billing this as an established patient? Is this allowed or is this non-billable? If you have something that I can reference to show a physician it would be greatly appreciated.

Just curious, why doesn't it meet new patient guidelines?