Wiki New vs. Established Patient

Renton, WA
Best answers
I am having some trouble coding for new vs. established patient specifically for PAs and ARNPs.

We have this scenerio where the patient is seen for the first time in a specialty by a PA and then later for a different date of service by a provider who works in the same specialty on.

Are PA and ARNPs considered a seperate specialty? Can they have a crendtialing like Orthopedics or Cardiology? How should the PA and the MD visit be coded?

Tatyana Vasilchuk, CPC
no they are not a separate specialty so once see by the NP or PA they are established for the physician.
If the PA or NP sees the patient first then it is a new patient billed using the NP or PA NPI number, you may not bill new patients using the physician's NPI, also you cannot share a new patient as in they see both the provider and the NP/PA on the same day. If they do see both and it is a new patient you can bill under the as a New patient under the PA or you can bill under the physician as an established.
What about for Medicare/Medicaid? Does this apply to them as well?

When advanced practice nurse and physician assistants are working with physicians they are considered as working in the exact same specialty and exact same subspecialties as the physician.
A physician or other qualified health care professional is and individual whi is qualified by education. training, licensure/regulation (when applicable), and facility privileging ( when applicable) who performs aprofessiobal service within his or her scope of practice and independently reports that professional services.

These professionals are distinct from Clinical Staff. A clinical staff member is a person who works under the supersion of a physician or law, regulation and facility policy to perform or assist in the performance of a specific professional service, but does not individually report that professional service. Other policies may also affect who may report specific services.

This is from cpt 2013 professional, page # 5 lefttop.