Wiki New to Vascular Coding

Are you coding open vascular or endovascular procedures or a combination of the two? Coding Strategies has some excellent online coding modules you can take for endovascular coding. They list it as interventional radiology training (because interventional radiologists perform a lot of the same endovascular procedures as vascular surgeons), but this curriculum gives a great overview of endovascular coding: https://training.codingstrategies.c...etail/ivr-interventional-radiology-curriculum.

Dr. Z of Z Health Publishing is also a great resource for vascular coding! I cannot recommend highly enough getting a monthly subscription to his Q&A blog ($29.95 a month). He doesn't have online classes, but does sell endovascular and vascular surgery reference books which are excellent:

Finally, I have a website designed to help surgical coders in various specialties including vascular surgery. I don't have complete coding courses at the moment (long-term goal), but I do have some free articles online for vascular topics like AV fistula interventions, angiograms, etc. My website is Feel free to check out anything that helps you. If you have a topic you'd like to hear more about, I also take suggestions for future articles so feel free to reach out through my contact form on the web page.

I hope that helps to get you started. Vascular surgery can be challenging starting out, but it's also a lot of fun once you have the basics down :)

Have a great night
Wow! Thanks so much for your response. It's a combination of the two.
This does help get me started. If you do hear of any seminars please keep me in mind.

Thanks again and happy coding,
Wow! Thanks so much for your response. It's a combination of the two.
This does help get me started. If you do hear of any seminars please keep me in mind.

Thanks again and happy coding,
I will definitely let you know if I see any upcoming seminars in this specialty!

Take care