Wiki New to the OB world


Columbus, Ohio
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When coding for a delivery should I wait until after the 6 weeks post partum to select the correct code to make sure the patient actually comes back for the post partum? My understanding is after the 6 weeks if the patient has not returned for the PP visit then we can use an E/M to bill for this as it is outside of the Global. Is this right?

As much information as anyone can give me is Greatly Appreciated! :confused:
I have never waited to bill the delivery; when you see the patient globally it is with the understanding they will come to the post partum visit. Yes, you can bill after the 6 wks for an office visit; but, I'm betting you will receive a lot of angry patients if that occurs.
I have also never waited to bill out my deliveries. Billed as soon as they happened. Also according to ACOG post-partum goes to 12 weeks after, not just 6. At the 13 week point you can bill.