Wiki new to ortho, need advice


East Haven, Connecticut
Best answers
Can you tell me how many organ systems/body areas you would credit for this?

(3 out of 7 vitals documented) Patient appears to be in good health. He is alert and oriented x 3. Inspection of the righ and left elbow demonstrates good symmetry. He has normal carrying angle. Extension of the right elbow is to neutral and flexion is to 140. There is full pronation and supination. There is no swelling or effusion of the elbow. Palpation elicits tenderness over the lateral epicondylar region. The radial tunnel is nontender. Provocative test for lateral epicondylitis are positive. His form wrist and hand exam is completely unremarkable. There is no swelling erythema induration or warmth about the elbow. There is a full arc of motion without any crepitance. There is no laxity on varus or valgus stress of the elbow. Testing for posterior lateral rotatory instability is negative.

thank you!