Wiki New to OBGYN Coding


Fredericksburg, Virginia
Best answers
Hello All,

I am new to OBGYN Coding and I was wondering, where did you all get help from getting started. I have over all coding traning but I need just straight OBGYN. I am in an office where I am the only coder and I do not what to do this wrong.

Please Help...
Hello All,

I am new to OBGYN Coding and I was wondering, where did you all get help from getting started. I have over all coding traning but I need just straight OBGYN. I am in an office where I am the only coder and I do not what to do this wrong.

Please Help...

I would go to the ACOG website and start there. They have great training and manuals that will be helpful.
I frequent this discussion forum. Even if you don't have a question about something now, it helps to just see what everyone is talking about!