Wiki new to GS coding, I & D of trunk abscess and debridement of flank necrotic fascia


Villa Grove, IL
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Procedure performed: Incision and drainage of left trunk abscess and debridement of left flank necrotic fascia, 15x5 cm wound size.

Patient placed on bed in the left lateral position. General anesthesia was given. Left flank area was prerared with Betadine, the patient was noted to have necrotic skin patches that were draining pus. The area was noted to be around 15x5 cm in size. An incision was made connecting the necrotic areas in the left flank area. Immediately, we noticed draining pus. The tissue in the deeper areas was necrosed all the way to the fascia. This tissue was debridedd with the scalpel and the fascia was also debrided with the scalpel. All the pus pockets were lysed and we drained all the pus. The wound was irrigated with copious amounts of saline. Once we were satisfied with the hemostasis, the wound was packed with 2-inch iodoform gauze and a sterile dressing was placed on top of the wound. Would I bill just a 11044 ?
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11043 is the correct answer in this situation. If the physician had performed the procedure "to the bone" then you would code 11044.

Hope this helps