Wiki New to ER coding... where would I find the guidelines?


Bridgeville, PA
Best answers
Hi all,

I am new to coding ER charts and was wondering if anyone could tell me if ER has it's own set of guidelines and rules and where I can find them!


Er coding

I have been coding ER charts for four years now. The best place to find the guidelines is in the cpt professional edition. Starting on page 19 under Emergency Deptartment Services. Be sure to read Other Emergency Services Critical Care Services. Depending on the location of your hospital you may or maynot use these codes infrequently. Many services are bundled into Critical Care and you need to be aware of these services.
My only other piece of advice would be: if it's not documented it didn't happen. This is true for any coding, but resist adding to what is documented, even if it "seems" to be something that the Dr. or nurse would do. Never assume!
I enjoy ER coding! It is always interesting and I learn something new every day.

Good Luck!