Wiki New to eclinicalworks


Molt, MT
Best answers

I am going to be working for a provider that is bringing their billing in house. They have eclinicalworks. I have zero experience with this PM system. :confused: They are on the V10. I have watched the billing videos and it seems to be pretty simple. If anyone was willing to share any tips/tricks I would really appreciate it. Also, if maybe someone was willing to be available via email if I had a question on something. No one in the office knows a thing about billing/coding hence why they need me!:D
new to ecw

I am new to ecw as well. Do you know what your clients do about the providers locking their notes. Do they give them a 24 hour time frame?

I've been working in eClinical for just over 4 years now. If there's anything I can help you with just ask. If I can't answer I may be able to find out the answer within the office.
locked notes

Do you know what your clients do about the providers locking their notes. Do they give them a 24 hour time frame?
locking notes in eClinicalWorks

Is "locking notes" the same as authenticating the note, a.k.a. signing the note. I'm concerned because we are submitting claims for office visits prior to the provider "signing" the progress note. When I look at them they have been "reviewed" by the RN working clinic that day but no signature by the MD. I guess what I'm asking is: Is there series of steps or statuses that indicate whether the documentation is in process or if it meets the signature requirements and is ready to be billed:eek: