Wiki New to cataracts


Coral Springs, FL
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Hello!!! Today I will be training on cataracts and I have some previous cataract op reports from the coder that will be training me. I am looking over the op report, the CPT codes, the code descriptions and some info from the internet on coding Cataract Surgery. Can someone read this over for me and provide some feedback on if you agree with 66982 vs the 66984. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in a supine position. Sclera was rinsed with BSS. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion including Betadine 5% placed in the eye. A lid speculum was placed in the left eye. A paracentesis tract was created at the 11 o'clock position using the 15 degree blade. Viscoat was then injected into the anterior chamber, expressing all aqueous fluid. A 2.8 mm keratome was used to enter the anterior chamber at the 9 o'clock position temporally. Capsulorrhexis forceps were used create a continuous tear capsulorrhexis. Balanced salt solution was used to perform thorough hydrodissection. The nucleus was phacoemulsified using the modified divide-and-conquer and chopping technique. Irrigation and aspiration were used to remove remaining cortical and epinuclear material and to polish the anterior capsule. Provisc was injected into the capsular bag, expanding it. A 20 diopter LI61AO lens was injected into the capsular bag without complication. Irrigation and aspiration were used to remove the remaining Viscoelastic material from the eye. Balanced salt solution was injected into the anterior chamber, and the lens was well positioned. The wound was found to be watertight. The lid speculum was removed. A collagen shield soaked in a fourth generation fluoroquinolone eye drops and Durezol was placed on the eye. The patient was taken to the recovery room in stable condition. Phaco CDE was 4.71. Copious amounts of Viscoat were used to coat the endothelium throughout the procedure.
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This is simple 66984.

66982 is not very frequently used in practice. Both codes 66984 and 66982 is reported for extracapsular cataract extraction procedures.

Technique used in performance of these procedures is similar with some differences which I am listing here below:

If any special device like, rings, hooks or pupil stretchers are used to expand the iris, most common in patients suffering from floppy iris syndrome- use code 66982.

Use of Malyugin ring in cataract surgery -66982

If the pupil was? manually? manipulated with IRIS hooks but they were not left during the surgery. If there is documentation of posterior synechiae and preoperative there was plan of pupil expansion.-66982

If any suture support is also provided to stabilize the Intraocular prosthesis (lens), most common in case of patents suffering from Zonular dehiscence.-66982

If dye ( most commonlyTrypan blue dye) was used to stain the capsule for a hypermature cataract. -66982

Hope you will find it helpful.

Vinay Kumar CPC:)