Wiki new regulation that coders must be certified???


Boca Raton, FL
Best answers
Someone just told me that she read somewhere (and could not remember the source) that a new regulation (CMS, perhaps?) is coming down the pike requiring that coding be done only by certified coders.

This sounds totally off the wall to me, but I'm wondering if anyone else has heard this?
I wonder if she was confusing this with the new requirements for licensure or certification of MA's that input information in an EMR for the physician. I know this has caused a lot of angst among physician offices because most MA's are not certified due to cost. I have not seen anything come across concerning coder certification.
Hawaii has required coder's to be certified since early 2000's. When the AAPC conference was held there in 2003 I remember talking about this with some of the other coders. We were wondering when the rest of the country would require it.
every job board i have come across requires certified cpc at least. where are you people working that it is not required? I dont think you get a job as a coder without being certified.
Not Certified Yet

I have a job as a coder and I am not ccertified. I have been coding 30 years and the company I work for does not require it, although I am studying for the test now.
From talking to people I know it has been required since 2003. As a certified coder you make more money. But any job you that you look up for coder requires certification.

I think you would be surprised. Maybe it is where you live or at least the area facilities that required coders to be certified back in 2003. I have worked somewhere as recently as 2 years ago and the "coding department" only had a few that were certified coders. That being said, having changed jobs in the same region of the state, jobs being posted are requiring certification. Personally, I think it is better especially in this time with all of the audits and penalties happening that an organization have a certified coders on staff. I also worked several years doing coding and billing in another state before I became certified.

Sadly though, I see a few certified coders who are not as skilled as those who have been coding for years but yet have no certification. Sometimes people are good test takers and some are not.