Wiki New Q Codes for Medicare


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
Effective January 1, 2011, Medicare now requires Q codes instead of code 90658. Has anyone heard from any of the commericial carriers if they will require this change as well, or is this just a Medicare requirement?

As far as I know, only CMS has requested these temporary codes. We are going to query our payers, though.
still unclear when a g code and a q code are needed. are these codes for Medicare patients only?

----For Medicare billing-----

First find out the brand name of the flu vaccine from your physician; once you rec'd this info go to your hcpcs codes and find the correct 'Q' code for the vaccine (i.e Q2036, Q2037); G0008 is for the administration code for flu vaccine; V04.81 is the dx code.....

Hope this info helps you....:)