Wiki New primary insurance last month of prenatal


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Patient had MVP insurance (dependent on parents ins) as primary w/Medicaid as secondary for her entire pregnancy. Last month of pregnancy she got insurance thru her employer, BCBS, while keeping the others moving them to secondary and tertiary. She only had 4 visits with BCBS, so I know that will be 59425 and 59410...but what about the fact that patient had other insurance that it would appropriate to bill as global. If i only bill the 59425/59410 to the others there will be money left on the table, but i will need EOB showing how primary processed.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
New Primary insurance last month of prenatal

Bill the appropriate 59425-26 for the number of initial visits to her previous insurance. You cannot bill global because the delivery and postpartum was charged to BCBS.