Wiki New physician


Brookfield, CT
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We have a new physician joining our group and so far he is only on Medicare, if he sees a patient with medicare and the patient has a supplement plan that follows medicare guidelines will the 2ndary reimburse us? I am getting mixed information. Thank in advance
We have a new physician joining our group and so far he is only on Medicare, if he sees a patient with medicare and the patient has a supplement plan that follows medicare guidelines will the 2ndary reimburse us? I am getting mixed information. Thank in advance
It will really depend on the terms of the individual secondary plan. Many supplemental plans will make the secondary payment as long as Medicare has paid, regardless of whether or not the provider is in their network. However, there are some secondary commercial plans that will not offer benefits for out of network providers, in which case the patient will be responsible for any balance due after the Medicare payment.