Wiki New Patient from Skilled Nursing Facility


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Our provider sees a Skilled Nursing Facility patient in our office. Patient is a new to our service. Per CMS we will use POS 31. Are we allowed to use 99304-99306 (Initial admission) or do we use 99307-99310 (subsequent)? SNFs can be so confusing!
9920x-99205, pos = 11 not 31.
subsequent after intia =l 9921x-99215
medicare will only deny if pt receives procedures, not exams. in that case, you bill the SNF for any procedure done at your physician's office to snf with the medicare denial.
Good luck!
If the patient is brought to the provider office and is a registered SNF patient, you use the POS for the SNF not POS 11. This is stated in the Medicare manual and in a medLeran matters. You use the regular office levels for. new patient that is the 99201-99205.