Wiki New Patient came for Establish Care

Islamabad, Federal Capital
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Could someone please help me with the following question? How this problem may be addressed in a practical way;

Internal Medicine specialty providers are billing 99203-99205 for new patient visit that comes for "Establish care" with no abnormality or concerns and providers are putting Z00.00 and Z71.2 with office visits code.
In order to bill sick visit, at least a problem needs to be addressed, lab review or management needs to be performed. How we are going to calculate E/M for such scenarios or what diagnosis needs to be pointer set ?

Patient presents today as a new patient establishing care with us. She denies taking any medications. She denies any medical conditions. She has an appointment with her gynecologist this afternoon for a pap smear. She has never had a pap smear before. She gets her eyes checked every year because she has poor vision, and she will see her dentist on Wednesday. She has not seen a primary care doctor in a few years, and the last time she was seen was in 2017. Her last menstrual period was from January 10th through the 16th, and she is regular every month. She denies any pain that is unusual during her period. She is sexually active. She notes that she is a little anxious today because she does not like doctor's offices. She denies any nausea, vomiting, bladder problems, or trouble sleeping. She denies any neck pain or blurry vision. She states that she has had intermittent headaches for a few weeks after tripping over a bathtub and hitting her head. She did not see a doctor after the fall but does not think she had a concussion. She denies any pain, drainage, or ringing in her ears. She denies having a sore throat. Her father has a history of diabetes. She notes that her grandmother has recently been in and out of the hospital for thyroid issues and needed to have chemotherapy, but she is not sure what she is. She is currently married. She denies ever smoking or using tobacco products, marijuana, or alcohol. She denies any drug use. She works as an administrative assistant and lab assistant. She has been trying to eat healthier recently and has been cooking at home. She has been exercising at least 5 times per week.
You're correct, you can't code 99201-99205 without a problem or complaint. Your providers need to be educated not to do this.

Establishing care isn't a medical problem. They can bill a preventive care visit if the patient is due for one and wants to have that. Or they can bill a medical visit if they are managing the patient's chronic conditions which they'll be taking over from the patient's previous primary care physician. Some payers do offer a benefit and will pay for a provider to 'meet and greet' a new provider, but that's pretty rare, and if the payer offers that they would instruct you on how to code it. Outside of those two situations, your providers shouldn't be billing for a visit just to 'establish care'. That is a visit that is done for the convenience of the patient or the provider, not to address a health need, and since it isn't a medically necessary service, it shouldn't be represented that way to a payer on a claim.
The info provided is all just history and no exam, and no plan. This MIGHT be a preventive visit.
If this is all there is, why would a provider have a patient come in to provide history only without any exam or treatment plan? It seems like a waste of time for both the patient and the physician.
I also don't see how Z71.2 Person consulting for explanation of examination or test findings would be appropriate with the information provided.
Hi Areeshariz, :)
It reads like preventive visit or new CPT code just to have a family doctor for herself if need future care. Id use dx Z00 block with those preventive care per her age CPT 99381 to 99387 or new pt visit CPT 99202-92203. I d use the first listed dx Z00.00 code not dx Z71.
I hope helped you a little bit too
Lady T:)
You're correct, you can't code 99201-99205 without a problem or complaint. Your providers need to be educated not to do this.

Establishing care isn't a medical problem. They can bill a preventive care visit if the patient is due for one and wants to have that. Or they can bill a medical visit if they are managing the patient's chronic conditions which they'll be taking over from the patient's previous primary care physician. Some payers do offer a benefit and will pay for a provider to 'meet and greet' a new provider, but that's pretty rare, and if the payer offers that they would instruct you on how to code it. Outside of those two situations, your providers shouldn't be billing for a visit just to 'establish care'. That is a visit that is done for the convenience of the patient or the provider, not to address a health need, and since it isn't a medically necessary service, it shouldn't be represented that way to a payer on a claim.
That is what I am trying to get across to the clinicians, but they are adamant about charging an office visit for these meet and greets and scheduling the preventive exam for the following appointment, which is absurd. The fact that everyone is on the same page as me, though, is great. I now need to urge my doctors to schedule these visits as preventive visits, which is a difficult task.
Hi Aree
If they continue to use CPT 99215 the payers may start an audit. Auditing from a payer involve wanting med records copy of each patient's documentation. And it does not meet the CPT guidelines from CPT manuals. They will ask for payback eventually cause they run report on certain CPT used; data mining. Do not worry too stated the facts then let it ride because you cannot control physician and management.
Have a good day!
Lady T
Ps Also if the notation /documentation does not match the correct CPT I remove it to reflect the correct Evl Mgtn .....job as a medical coder. I get audited too be correct
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I would be very uncomfortable billing this as a preventive visit, if the note doesn't state that that is the reason for the visit. Especially, since with a new patient, they might have had a preventive visit with another provider.

One of the first rules in coding is that there must be a medically necessary reason for providing the service. Establishing care does not support medical necessity.