Wiki New Patient Annual Physical & follow up


Miami, FL
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I have a case in which a new patient came in for an annual physical . The patient has no complaints, patient is an age range of 20-25, and healthy, but screenings were ordered as preventive measures. That visit was billed with ICD-9 code V70.0 (Routine general medical exam). The patient came back 3 weeks later to go over the results of his/her screening labs/tests, but no anomalies were noted. What code should we use if the patient is young and healthy, and the tests did not lead to any health complications??? please help!
Re: New Patient Annual Physical and follow-up

You could use any of the V-codes that denote screenings as part of a routine general physical. Consult "Screening" in the index of the 2015 ICD-9-CM to direct you to the right screening codes in the tabular to convey what the doctor was screening the patient for. :)