Wiki New pa in office


Pataskala, OH
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I'm billing for cardiothoracic practice and we have just hired a new PA in the office. He has just recently started EVH's as a first assist and I was wondering about the billing procedures. Should he be billed out with an 82 modifier (we use an 82 b/c a qualified resident surgeon is not available at our hospital). Please advise.

I'm billing for cardiothoracic practice and we have just hired a new PA in the office. He has just recently started EVH's as a first assist and I was wondering about the billing procedures. Should he be billed out with an 82 modifier (we use an 82 b/c a qualified resident surgeon is not available at our hospital). Please advise.


We use AS for our PA's and 80 for an assistant surgeon. I personally have not utilized the 82 modifier for a PA.
Thanks for your help. Should the AS be listed first then the 80 or 82 modifier or does it really matter?

If I had a case with an Assistant Surgeon and PA I would bill the Assistant surgeon charges first and then for the PA. The PA reimbursement will be the lowest. I think it's like 25% but I could be off.
The PA would be a 1st assist most of the time, on occasion maybe the 2nd assist. Maybe I can get some clarification on this at the STS seminar...I have sooooo many questions. This is my first one but I'm really excited!
The PA would be a 1st assist most of the time, on occasion maybe the 2nd assist. Maybe I can get some clarification on this at the STS seminar...I have sooooo many questions. This is my first one but I'm really excited!

JEALOUS! I wanted to go but the company I started with had already budgeted for my boss and the office manager to go. I hope they bring back some good information!