Wiki New or established visit


Ballina, Mayo County
Best answers
Any help much appreciated with this; a provider whose specialty is as an ED physician sees a patient who is referred to him for wound care in the hospital. He does an appropriate E&M and does his wound care.

6 months previously, the same patient is seen in the ER of the same hospital by a different ED physician (for chest pain I think). Both ED physicians have the same specialty # under their NPI information.

Is this wound care patient a new patient or an established patient?
Any constructive help will be gratefully received.
ED codes don't have a new vs est choice, you just code to the level of the ED visit.

Thank you for the response. However, I know ED codes don't have a new versus established choice, but that is not what I was asking.

Does the previous visit to the ED make the wound care visit a new or established visit?

Thank you for your help