Wiki new nerve conduction studies codes

El Paso
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Hello, I am trying to code a nerve conduction study that was done on both upper extremities with 3 nerves tested (ulnar, median, radial), also done with F-wave on the ulnar and median nerves (also on both extremities) I was thinking of coding 95913, because it's 13 or more studies. Does anybody know if it's correct to code all the nerves tested, or do we code just the three nerves. Please help!
Hello, I am trying to code a nerve conduction study that was done on both upper extremities with 3 nerves tested (ulnar, median, radial), also done with F-wave on the ulnar and median nerves (also on both extremities) I was thinking of coding 95913, because it's 13 or more studies. Does anybody know if it's correct to code all the nerves tested, or do we code just the three nerves. Please help!

The F-wave study includes the motor study, so those cannot be counted separately. So it looks like you have:

Ulnar, left and right, with and without F-wave---2 studies
Median, left and right, with and without F-wave---2 studies
Radial, left and right---2 studies

Total of 6 studies, which is 95909.

Hope this helps!!
Yes, thank you it is very helpful, but the test was done with and without F-wave on both extremities on both the median and ulnar nerves, so they do count also right? thank you for your reply it is appreciated greatly.
Yes, thank you it is very helpful, but the test was done with and without F-wave on both extremities on both the median and ulnar nerves, so they do count also right? thank you for your reply it is appreciated greatly.

I definitely understand what you're saying, but unfortunately, when motor studies are performed both with and without F-wave on the same nerve, it is counted as only 1 study. With F-wave includes without. I know there are some good articles with this info; I will look for them and post for you.
It's also in the CPT guidelines: For the purposes of coding, a single conduction study is defined as a sensory conduction test, a motor conduction test with or without an F-wave test, or an H-reflex test. This means that the f-wave, for the purposes of coding, is inconsequential. Basically just ignore the f-waves in the documentation, and just count motor and sense nerves, and h-reflex if any. Also make sure you're only counting each nerve once, as the "multiple sites on the same nerve" rule is still the same.
It's also in the CPT guidelines: For the purposes of coding, a single conduction study is defined as a sensory conduction test, a motor conduction test with or without an F-wave test, or an H-reflex test. This means that the f-wave, for the purposes of coding, is inconsequential. Basically just ignore the f-waves in the documentation, and just count motor and sense nerves, and h-reflex if any. Also make sure you're only counting each nerve once, as the "multiple sites on the same nerve" rule is still the same.

Thank you, it's just a little confusing for me, but I appreciate your help and any more that you can offer will be very helpful.