Wiki New graduate student looking for experience

Charlottesville Virginia
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Hello everyone, I am a recent graduate and I'm currently scheduled to take my CPC exam on the 13th of September. I'm looking for an entry level job so that I can learn more of the coding experience hands on. I live in Virginia and the closest area around for me to work is Charlottesville Virgina and Waynesboro Virgina. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Also looking for entry level position for to gain experience

Hello there!

I am also looking for entry level coding positions to obtain experience. I became a CPC in December 2012. I am located in Rhode Island. So, I am searching for entry level positions in Providence or southern Rhode Island. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!

Good luck with your CPC exam and finding that first job! :)
change your email address!!

Polish your resume and make a professional sounding email address...princess cutie will be disregarded...time to grow up!