Wiki New consult


McMinnville, OR
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Just to clarify, I have a physician who is new to the specialty practice who is to see a patient who is new to him but not to the clinic. He wants to use a consult code which is fine if the patient is referred from outside our clinic correct? The visit will be documented and sent out to the referring physician.
Consult vs Established

If another physician is requesting your specialist's advice/opinion on the management of the patient's problem, then it is a consult. Even if the patient has been previously seen in your clinic for the same or similar problem.

If the patient is being referred for care of a problem, then it is a new or established patient depending on whether this patient has seen anyone of the same specialty and same practice in your clinic in the last 3 years. So if John Doe has a painful knee and saw Ortho Doc A in May for this problem, and now is coming in with the same painful knee and will see New Ortho Doc B ... John Doe is an EXISTING patient. (Even if New Ortho Doc has never seen the patient himself.)

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC