I am new to Opthalmology coding, and the provider I work for always bills out the 68840-E4,68440-E4-51, 67966,67950-51, 66982-54,67010-54-51. They have all come back denied, because according to the NCCI Edits they are bundled, so you can only use a mod 59 to unbundle them. On the modifier 59 when I read it, it was a little confusing, because it does say for different procedures, but then it says you can only use it for different anatomic sites and different encounters on the same dos. My question is if the provider does the 2 procedures on the same eye can you still use mod 59 as long as you have documentation showing the medical necessity for both procedures? My doctor really doesn't want to use mod 59 and insists on using mod 51, so I'm trying to explain to him he can't. Any help or suggestions on this would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you!