Wiki New Codes for Chronic Pulmonary Embolism and DVT


Charlotte, North Carolina
Best answers
Effective October 1, 2009, a new code (416.2) was created to describe chronic pulmonary embolism to distinguish between patients who are being treated for an acute pulmonary embolism and patients with chronic pulmonary embolism who are being maintained on anticoagulant therapy for an extended period of time. Previously the classification did not differentiate between acute and chronic pulmonary embolism.

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thank you that helped. taking over for a less than competant coder to say the least. i ran across a patient whi has had several pulmonary embolismsin the past (415.11&415.19) i found it odd he has had over 20 embolisms several per year. so when i looked i found the office was using those codes as the dx for the office visit of G0250. after reading chart i was going to go with a history code but realized it not on the approved list and not entirely what i was looking for as patient has had several embolisms and was at very high risk for more having DVT. after speaking with doctor went to this post and walla 22 claims paid.. so thank you very much.