Wiki new coder needs help - need a complication dx


True Blue
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I need a complication dx for repeat manipulation of salter II fracture (25605). The reason for the repeat procedure--the pt. is developing some apex dorsal angulation and radial deviation of the distal radius. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
We use the 813.42, then on the 25605 i use the 78 to show complication. I have seen it billed as 733.81 (malunion) but feel funny using it unless bony healing on XRay is mal aligned.... Did the patient re-fall or injure it again somehow? Or is it just healing "off"?
No the patient did not fall. I was told by another coder to use a complication code 9xx.x? Wasn't sure which one to use. I even thought about a late effect, but didn't know if that would be appropriate. Thanks.