Wiki New CKD codes


Honolulu, HI
Best answers
I code for a laboratory and sometimes we see providers write N18.3a or N18.3b; is it appropriate to translate these into N18.31 or N18.32 or should we be sending this back to provider for clarification? Thank you for your input!
I disagree - codes are not diagnoses, the provider should be stating the patient's diagnosis in their own words, not using made-up codes. N18.3a and N18.3b are neither a diagnosis nor a valid code - I wouldn't assume that these mean anything unless the provider states it specifically in their notes.
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I don't know if you've received your answer yet or not, but from what I saw online, N18.31 is Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3a and N18.32 is Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3b. I personally, would clarify with the physician.

Edited to fix incorrect code. :)
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N13.31 would be stage 3A and N13.32 would be stage 3B, however I would ask the physician to clarify. Any uncertainty should require a query.