Wiki New Breast Lump Dx codes

Dale, TX
Best answers
Is anyone else having issues with the new breast lump dx codes???? Medicare has not updated there NCD 220.4 Mammogram it still shows N63 which is no longer valid code. Does anyone have any advise for this issue? any help is welcomed. ;)

Thanks Liz
Yes, I am having the same issue and am looking for any advice on this? Is there a time frame that these NDC'S are updated by?
lump issues

I am also having the issues and can't find the guidelines for which DX to use for the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 position. N63.10 and N63.20 are being denied. There isn't an overlapping DX.

I am also having the issues and can't find the guidelines for which DX to use for the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00 position. N63.10 and N63.20 are being denied. There isn't an overlapping DX.

Do you get an answer to your question. I'm having similar problems. thanks
3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock codes

For a lump or mass I found the following information

According to a WPS call on Jan 10, 2018 it was stated to code the lump as being in both quadrants, not unspecified.

According to SuperCoder in Feb. 2018 "the correct codes for the 12 o'clock position breast mass are N63.22 and N63.21 or N63.11 and N63.12 as per laterality mentioned in document".