Wiki New born coding


Edwardsville, IL
Best answers
Here is the senario:
1) doctor marks 99463 for a new born charge, same day admit and discharge.
2) baby is born in hospital on 2/6/15
3) doctor sees the baby on 2/7/15 for the first and only time. During this visit the doctor indicates that the baby is ready to go home when mom is.
4) mom and baby are discharged from the hospital on 2/8/15.

The problem is coming because the doctor's office is indicating that because the doctor only made one visit and did both the admit and discharge visit on 2/7/15, that doctor is entitled to use the 99463 code.

I don't agree so any input would be welcomed.

Can the doctor charge for both admit and discharge since baby was only seen once by doctor?
I was taught that you can not charge for both an admit and discharge on the same day when the baby was actually admitted on 2/6/15 and discharged on 2/8/15.

Please advise
Newborn coding

I would code 99460 for 2/7 as that is the day the provider saw the baby and formally admitted them to the hospital. Unless the provider dictates a discharge summary for 2/8, I would say you wouldn't be able to bill a discharge.