Wiki New biopsy codes with diagnosis of rash


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Has anyone seen an update on the Medicare LCD that came out for the new biopsy codes that didn't include the ICD-10 for rash? What are your providers billing to Medicare when this service is performed for this diagnosis?
Good to go in FL!

I have no problem getting claims paid, by any payer, with the new 2019 biopsy codes. We use Rash and Dermatitis almost every day with a shave biopsy. I'm in Florida, so we have many travelers who come into contact with something here, that makes them break out. The only issue I have seen recently, is UHC wanting a 59 modifier on all biopsy codes, regardless of what else is billed on claim. We talked to a UHC Rep who stated their system is behind, so they're still looking at 2018 Edits. We just appeal with CCI Edits and it gets paid. Hope this helps!