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No you can not. A consultation is when it is requested by another doctor that the doctor evaluate the patient and give them their opinion on a course of treatment.
It all depends on how this unfolds. Was the patient sent to this provider for an opinion by another provider. Did this provider evaluate the patient for the problem and submit a written report back giving an expert opinion? Was the MOHs procedure a result of the evaluation done per the other providers request? If this is the case and all is properly documented it could be a consult. However, if the patient is sent by Dr. A to Dr. B to get the MOHs procedure done, then it is not a consult. I would very carefully review the documentation and allow a consult only if all Rs apply. It is allowed to initiate treatment as a result of a consult. The important part is what was the intent at presentation - render an opinion or treat.
Hope this is useful.
The physician performing the Moh's procedure only wrote back to primary Dr. that the procedure had been completed. Performing Dr. will not manage care of patient. No documentation for the request or procedure. Only reference noted by Dr. performing procedure was that he told primary Dr. to send the patient to see him (Dermatologist).
I agree, no consult but you could have a new patient visit if the documentation supports it.

Laura, CPC, CEMC