Wiki New at Contracting Negotciations Please HELP


Robinsville, NJ
Best answers
I am in the process of trying to negotciate fee's for new drugs. And just negotciating all of our other rates as well, with our commercial payors.

Does anyone have any good tips for me?? I am new at this and don't know where and how to begin.

Specialty Practice - GI.

Also, how do you usually calculate your charge amounts? A lot of our charge amounts need updating as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!!! :)
most practices that I billed at would follow the Medicare fee schedule dollar amount and then increase the billed amount 20-to30% above that. I would contact the administrator or accountant for your office for their advice. I would think the Dr. would have had to have a signed contract with the accounting firm. It all ties into taxes and reporting of adjustments.
in regards to the new drugs, are these newly FDA approved ones or drugs that your office is new to billing out? Again following the above comment. If you office has to purchase the drug etc how much does it cost? How many doses to the patients will you be getting out of the vial? Or if its chemo you can bill a code for the "waste" I believe... I wish I could help you more.