Wiki New and confused

Modesto, CA; Central Valley Chapter
Best answers

New to ophthalmology and auditing their visits. I do have the description of comprehensive vs intermediate eye exams but have questions on the components with in those pieces. TIA for answering any part of my questions!
1. What is included in a complete visual exam? Is this the same as the slit lamp exam?
2. What description does a slit lamp exam come under.....external ocular exam?
3. Wording I might see if they've done an adnexal exam?

Thanks again!
A complete eye exam, to be comprehensive, requires many components which are detailed in the CPT book. The slit lamp/biomicroscope exam is used to exam the front surface of the eye and adnexa (lids, lashes etc) and may also be used, with a special examination lens, to do the retinal exam.

The slit lamp is only used to do a portion of the comprehensive exam.

Tom Cheezum, O.D.
I have an outline that I use for my physician education. If you are interested, please email me and I can send it to you directly.
I have recently started doing some ophthalmology coding as well. Could I ask for a copy of that outline also? It would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Jessica L. Trefethen CCS-P, CPC