Wiki Neurosurgery OV /medical record


Smiths, Alabama
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I am hoping someone can assist with this, the provider is reviewing records for a patient (ex: pcp or other provider office note, imaging reports and/or imaging disc) he inputs a note of his impression and recommendation. We then will have the patient come into the office with our PA to go over results which the Primary MD in office has already reviewed. How can we bill this? Is it possible to bill for a records review along with the office visit? Thank you in advance for any assistance!
Look at the "Prolonged Service without Direct Patient Contact" section, 99358-99359.

If it's a new problem and the MD hasn't seen the patient for it, you would have to bill the PA under their own name and not incident-to for the visit. If a patient has a new problem, the MD has to see the patient and make a plan of care for the PA to follow. Reviewing records isn't enough.
You can try to bill for non face-to-face time for the MD.

Is this a new patient? Is this a new problem? I'm questioning whether you could even bill the PA visit as incident-to.
You can try to bill for non face-to-face time for the MD.

Is this a new patient? Is this a new problem? I'm questioning whether you could even bill the PA visit as incident-to.
No this is established patients that either we have ordered additional imaging or a PCP has referred back. Sometimes it is a new problem and sometime it can be the same problem. What code would we use to non face to face time for the MD?