Wiki Neuropsychological Testing Billing/Creyos


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Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding neuropsychological testing, specifically Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences).

My provider is starting a trial run of Creyos (which he did before speaking to his Billing Department of course) and they have advised us to bill CPT codes 96138 for the testing and then 96132 for the follow-up with the patient for the results and treatment plan, etc.

My issue is that CPT code 96138 states that it's for "neuropsychological test administration and scoring by technician, two or more tests, any method; first 30 minutes". This test is all done via touch screen on their computer program and then it prints out an automated report of results. Our medical assistant is literally just going to be putting the patient in the room with the computer and getting them started and will only be assisting the patient if needed. We are not doing any scoring, the computer is doing the scoring. I told the Creyos rep that because the CPT code states "administration AND scoring", NOT "and scoring, if performed" I don't think we can bill this code.

The rep responded that they have thousands of other providers who have billed this code without a problem. I say if the code meant for the scoring to be optional it would say so.

Based on our research we feel that CPT code 96146 is more appropriate which is for "neuropsychological test administration, with single automated , standardized instrument via electronic platform, with automated result only". The way we interpret this is that the "single instrument" would be the computer but when we mentioned this to the rep he said that each individual test is considered an instrument so this wouldn't cover the testing (he said most patients do about five different assessments within the program) but this doesn't seem right to me.

Has anyone else had any experience with billing Creyos that can help me out with this? There were some other things that the rep said that threw up some red flag for us so any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

I believe I'm having a very similar issue with the Brainscope product. We are being told to code this as an EEG, awake and drowsy, and Neuropsych testing with CPT codes 95816 and 96132 - supposed to be performed specifically by the provider/other qualified healthcare professional (which does not include medical assistants, but does include physicians assistants). I have just submitted the suggestion to management via email - especially because the other 2 CPTs we are coding and billing out total out to be charging insurances about $3,000 when 96146 would only be about $15 or $20. I am waiting to hear back from management.