Wiki Nerve conduction studies-coding student


Westland, MI
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Good Morning,
I am a coding student and I have to do a presentation on how to properly code for NCS. I know that the policy changed and now they go by the number of studies, but how do you determine how many studies are done.

IE If patient had a Right and Left Peroneal, a R Tibial and a Left Sural does this constitute 4 studies or just three. I am looking for some guidance. Thank you.
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Appendix J in your CPT has a list of the nerves. Refer to that, and if it is listed separately, it is counted separately. So in your example, that would be 4 studies.

(And either way, the code is for 3-4 studies. SO either way it went the code would be the same)
^Not that this would be the case all the time. Sometimes the difference between one nerve will be the difference between codes.

Also do not forget that H-reflexes can be counted as separately too.

Here's a link with some of this info...