Wiki Nephrostogram

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I am being trained as an interventional radiology coder and I have a question.

I have a case that states: Preliminary film demonstrates placement of a left nephorostomy catheter. Catheter remains in satisfactory position. Contrast was injeted through this catheter and nephrostogram was performed. Demonstrated obstruction of the distal left ureter.

I chose to code this as 50394, 74425 but my trainer says we can't bill because the doctor didn't mention the kidneys but in reading the verbage on these codes I think we should be able to bill.

Any help is appreciated!!
the description of 50394 states:

The radiologist produces a representation of the kidney, renal pelvis, and/or ureter with an x-ray.

I look at the AND/ i'm thinking all or any of the kidney, renal pelvis, and/OR ureter could be imaged with the contrast injection.
I am being trained as an interventional radiology coder and I have a question.

I have a case that states: Preliminary film demonstrates placement of a left nephorostomy catheter. Catheter remains in satisfactory position. Contrast was injeted through this catheter and nephrostogram was performed. Demonstrated obstruction of the distal left ureter.

I chose to code this as 50394, 74425 but my trainer says we can't bill because the doctor didn't mention the kidneys but in reading the verbage on these codes I think we should be able to bill.

Any help is appreciated!!

I agree with you: 50394/74425

HTH :)